Shin Godzilla (2016)
★★★★★ (5/5)
Watched some time in 2016 idk the date
This is my favorite Godzilla movie (veery close with -1.0) and on top of that is one of my favorite movies of all time. Godzilla’s design in this movie is one of my favorite monster designs ever, he’s just so fuckin cool looking. just LOOK AT IT. And the splitting jaw when he does the atomic breath? OOOOOUUGH. SPEAKING of atomic breath, the music ACCOMPANIMENT during that scene (“Who Will Know”) is one of my favorite movie songs. The choral parts combined with the orchestra and the MEANING behind the lyrics when you look into them deeper.. oh great heavens......
Looking into it deeper, and I know everybody who has even heard of this movie has had this mansplained to them before, but Godzilla is a monster, a tragic being. He was unwillingly born into a horribly painful life and is now just waiting and hoping for his misery to end.
The lyrics from the song I mentioned earlier mirror this idea perfectly, but I’m not gonna talk about that here. That deserves its own blog post and/or video. Plus I already sent an entire essay’s worth of an analysis to my choir director (sorry mr. clayton, love u).
I still remember seeing this movie in theaters when I was like... 9 or 10? Truly a life-changing experience... hearing that classic roar on them huge theater speakers was goated...
Anyway, i’ll prob edit this later to add more. I’m just getting my first review in. goodbye verbuzz!